Friday, October 26, 2012

The Adventures of Potty Training

         I must say, I entered into the potty training experience hesitant. I only knew what to expect from the wide range of advice offered by the internet and no matter the method, it was going to be messy. However I figured I had put off this whole thing long enough when Maddie started pulling down her pants and saying "pee pee mommy, pee pee" while inside Bonefish Grill on Sunday. The idea of a child sitting on a public seat with their hands touching the bowl and everything else in the bathroom just really grosses me out. But, you will be happy to know I did take her anyway, she just got a small bath in the sink afterwards.

 The most popular form of potty training from what I could tell is staying inside for a few days and letting your child run around naked. This alone seems a little odd in a culture where if your child is not clothed, someone is going to charge you with something. A friend put it "it feels like having a puppy because I keep cleaning up accidents on the floor". After the last few days I think I would agree. Last night was an experience I do not think I will ever forget but hopefully Maddie does. So, we are eating dinner and Maddie (no diaper on) starts asking for a pull-up. I knew this meant she needed to go potty so I grab her up and take off running. Well, while I am carrying her along she starts pooping. Yes, little bombs all the way to the toilet. I am yelling for help from Donovan who is still eating dinner and wondering what all the screaming is about. Mean while, I notice I have stepped on one of the piles that is now smashed between my toes. Our dog is trying to eat the poop off the floor and Maddie is crying because I think the whole experience scared her. I remember looking up and seeing Donovan’s face when he saw the "mess" across the floor and our dog making a dinner out of it. I could not help but fall down laughing because no amount of advice could have prepared me for that moment. Finally, we start cheering for maddie and gave her a piece of candy even though nothing actually made it into the potty. Oh well. I am glad to report, today Maddie (no diaper on still) comes running up to me and says "come look mommy" and walks me over to gladly show me the smallest amount of urine in her training potty. Then she asked for a lollipop. I think this is progress. Before she has wanted me to come look at her accomplishments in the potty and when I arrived she said "oh no, all gone". That sneaky little thing. Anyways, I think today was a break through. I just hope she keeps moving forward even with a new little sister. I am sure more adventures are to come either way.