Monday, November 14, 2011

Successful People

Being raised as an only child, I was spoiled in more ways than I care to admit. However one thing my parents instilled in me from a very early age was that I was not a victim. No matter what the circumstances, my parents would say, "Morgan, what did you do?" even if i was not actually at fault. This baffled me as a child because how could my loving parents question my integrity when I was not actually at fault. How un- American?!? This single piece of advice put me on the road to success at a young age. To interject, I am writing this blog because it amazes me that some adults still blame the universe for their problems. We don't really care that it wasn't your fault. Rather we want to know what you can do to fix it. None of us "deserve this life" to be honest, most of us deserve much worse.
I recently read, successful people learn to do the things that unsuccessful do not do. To me this means, waking up early, eating healthy, going to work,  and persevering when you feel overwhelmed. Also I have come to learn not getting my way is not only okay with some situations but is actually better for me. For example not getting the biggest piece of pie means I will be slimmer than the person who did. Not to mention have lower cholesterol, lower chance of heart attack and stroke, and most likely live longer.
As a student with ADD in school, I learned to come up with every excuse on the planet for why I did not do my homework. All this time I spent BSing last minute papers and not learning much, has really come to bite me in the butt later on. In college I decided I wanted to be successful but I realized my current mentality was not going to get me there. Complaining, excuses and laziness are not qualities that successful people capitalize on. This took me back to the basics my parents taught me growing up. Well Morgan, What have you done or for that matter, not done today?

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