Sunday, December 4, 2011

Are you really pro-life?

Christians. Are you really pro-life? What have you done about it? I am not talking about making a poster and marching around chanting. Being that I am not so sure how much good that does on an issue where people are so strongly divided with their opinions set in stone. Donovan and I are hoping to adopt our next child and therefore have been doing a lot of research. I came across a blog with some really good points that I found worth repeating. I have heard a few people say,"wow, you want to adopt, not everyone is called to do that" (interjection: I have never had this all figured out nor will I ever and only by the grace of Jesus my savior can I do anything without screwing up royally) With that said I think it is fair to say that God is pro-adoption #1. Jesus was adopted, this means he entrusted a human(Joseph) to raise his only son who was not biologically his. #2. He calls us to care for the orphans and widows (James 1:27 #3. Jesus adopted us into his family, taking away a heart of stone and giving us a new heart. Then he goes as far to say we are co-heirs with Christ Jesus (Romans 8:17)WOW. just to recap that, God, the maker of the universe says that he adopts us and puts us into the same category as Jesus. #4. The Lord says children are a blessing from God (Deuteronomy 28:11.) If abortion ended today, would their even be enough people willing to adopt these children and ask the lord to give them love, patience, and wisdom to raise the child. It is sad to admit but the Christian community has dropped the ball a little bit on this topic. If we truly believed scripture when it says children are a blessing, we should be beating down doors trying to foster and adopt children that are waiting. We have out of fear or laziness or maybe both left this community issue up to the lost and so they came up with their own solution. Just kill the baby. Why do we act surprised? God please give us a heart like yours for the hurting and fatherless. Also it is worth noting that no earthly parent is entirely what a child needs whether adoptive or biological only God the father is the perfect dad and he is who we look to.

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff my babe. I love you deeply and am so proud of you. You have incredible insight into the Father Heart of God that is worth imparting into the lives of others. Again, I love you and can't wait to see you!!
