Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Update on our miscarriage

After being hit with the news of a pregnancy that would not develop, I had to decide what my next step would be. I was given 3 options: 1. Have a D&C to surgically remove the pregnancy tissue 2. use misoprostol (Cytotec) a pill that induces cervical dilation and uterine contractions or 3. just wait it out and eventually my body should "take care of things". I needed a little time for my mind to catch up with my body so firstly I just went for a second opinion at a different Doctors office. This nurse practitioner was very helpful and said I was the third "blighted ovum" this week. She said, you know it really is a miracle that so many people make it here because from the medical perspective the human genome is so complex that a ton of things could go wrong. Her words brought me peace and reminded me that all life is truly a miracle. Well, then the waiting began. Two weeks went by and I was tired of seeing pregnant women all while knowing I am pregnant with a miscarriage just waiting to happen. After speaking with every person I know in the medical realm and doing an extensive amount of research on the Internet I decided to take the plunge and use the medicine that had been sitting on my counter for over a week just looking at me. I decided Friday night was the night because I knew Donovan would be home the next day incase their were any unexpected complications. I was ready to take the medication and move on with this whole process but I was extremely anxious about what was in store. The Doctor had also prescribed Percocet and Phenergan with the Cytotec so I knew this was not just going to be some normal menstrual cramps.  I took the medication right before going to bed Friday night and immediately took a Percocet too. I will skip over the gory details but I don't mind answering any questions if someone wants to know. I can say however that the medicine worked! At this point I just have to go to an appointment on Friday to make sure no pregnancy tissue is left that could cause infection. Since this experience I see people and especially children differently. My heart breaks for women who have had miscarriages and also abortions because I now know what it is like to wonder what happened to that baby. To see other pregnant women and wonder what could have been. While I was researching the medicine I was prescribed to cause the rest of the miscarriage I found numerous sites where women used this same drug(Cytotec) to induce an abortion. One women even said "You can by 4 tablets for $37 on the Internet and it worked great, only my sister knew I was pregnant, I have done this twice and would recommend it". Before my miscarriage this statement would have just made me angry but now, my heart just felt heavy for her. Does she even know what she did? Has she ever seen anyone be born? I would gladly adopt that baby and give it a good home. I wondered what happened in her life that inducing an abortion at home seems normal. How have we come to this? I can not make sense of somethings that happen, like my miscarriage. I do know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28. He his given me a peace that surpasses all understanding even in this time of sadness. Experiencing this miscarriage has fueled my desire to look into adoption even more. I am not sure when or how this dream will come to pass, but I know the Lord is preparing my heart in a great way. I am excited about the future and I really appreciate all the encouraging comments along the way. I actually go back from time to time and read the comments on my wall about the miscarriage. Thank you FB family.

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand your viewpoint with this. Having the fertility issues that I do, I really struggle with thinking why me? I know that God's plan in my life is perfect, but it is very difficult when you see (and hear) about people having abortions when there are plenty of us out there who would gladly take the baby, love him or her and give them a good home. Adoption is something Mike and I would like to do at some point, so I share your desire. I am so sorry that you guys have been going through all this and thank you for sharing this very difficult time with us.
