Thursday, December 15, 2011

Knoxville TN torture, rape, and murders

I will start off by saying I usually will watch many videos and read many articles on a topic before I choose to write about it. However this time is different, I could not watch more than a few minutes of this recorded trial because I litterly became sick to my stomach and thought I might vomit. My chest began to hurt and I was overwhelmed with sadness for the victims and their families. As I laid in bed upset, I asked God to help me look to him and not dwell on these tragic murders. I asked for no dreams last night because I was afraid of what they might contain after hearing this story. When I woke up this morning I was more aware than ever that there is a God and there is a Satan. I am angry that are society downplays both or even worse says this terrible story is somehow part of God's plan. NO! God came to give us life and life more abundantly, Satan comes like a thief in the night to steal, kill, and destroy. John 10:10. I think it is clear whose plan this was. I have not heard of a more concrete and modern example of  Satan stealing, killing, and destroying.  I do not know the life story of  those who committed this crime - who tortured, raped, and murder Channon Christian and Chistopher Newson, but I would dare to think that the hate in each of their lives began long before that day on January 7, 2007.  He tells us to love one another and this is what people are doing to each other? Seeing the evil that humans are capable of, it is no surprise that once God destroyed the world by flood . We can absolutely not sit back and let Satan run ramped over our lives while we just hand over our schools, our government, and our children. I have great compassion for these victims which is why I have no problem saying go ahead and give the guilty criminals the death penalty. In fact I believe doing so is extremely compassionate because if someone did this to me and my earthly dad got to sort them out, you could bet they would pray to have a needle in their arm. My heavenly father is even more just. He knows exactly what to do even when we do not. He is not just a lamb but a lion too and I am thankful he deals with us accordingly. I have posted a link to the article for reference, but I would caution you that is it extremely upsetting to read. Don't feel obligated to read it. If you are interested, there is a petition to sign to keep this case from being retried. Please pray for the people affected and ask God to help us, we undoubtedly need it.

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