Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Michelle Duggars baby did not survive. Jubilee would have been number 20.

There is a wide range of views about Michelle Duggar and why she chooses to continue having children after her last child was born with many medical problems at 25 weeks gestation. I do not know what it is like to lose a child  but I will say, many people lose a child and try again doing everything in their power to have a healthy child. If you almost die in a car accident, do you never get in a car again?   I think people are acting so hateful towards her because they cannot understand her desire to have as many children as she can. Please note, I do not desire to have as many children as her. Not only could I not afford it, but physically I know I could not keep up with the demand; however what I do not understand is why people are so harsh with her when 1.they are not using government assistance 2.they have a proven track record raising exceptional children  3.you know those parents love each other and are not getting a divorce like half of Americans today (which I am sure has a greater negative impact than being one of many kids). I am much more concerned about the alcoholic mom, the abusive mom, the unwed teenage mom, the mom with no education and no support or the siblings that are raised in foster care. So the older kids help out a lot, they are children. My husband was raised on a farm in south Africa. He cleaned pig sties every morning (including Christmas). big deal. It was practice for when he put himself through college and worked while being married. Those kids are fine. Also my husband, who was 1 of 4 kids has a much better work ethic than myself who is the only child in my family. I am tired of people getting so angry over the way the Duggars are choosing to live. People say “She needs to keep her legs closed.” Get real.  This debate is not about "having too much sex" with OMG her husband! (That is called a good marriage). This is about Michelle Duggar having the right to choose. Everyone is pro choice, until the woman CHOOSES to have as many kids as she can and then sound the alarm - A married woman is having a child! Some people say "what a shame the older kids help out so much." Would it be better if they got to be selfish like most kids these days and sit around on their lazy butts playing video games, not respecting their parents, doing drugs and getting to spend their time doing what they want? Which way is a better way to teach kids about the real world? Overall, I think our society could learn a lesson from the Duggars, and be more considerate while they are going through such a hard time. Walk in freedom - have no kids if you like, or have as many kids as you want, and let her do the same.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, Morgan! If I had the ability (financially, physically, mentally, etc.) to have that many kids, I probably would too! I didn't realize they knew it was a girl and I had no idea of the name. Thanks for sharing.
