Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Growing up with ADD- A personal post

First of all, it is true that more Americans have this diagnosis than in any other country and it is true that more white boys carry this diagnosis than any other race. Therefor it is fair to say we may very well be over diagnosing today's youth and therefore over medicating in hopes that overwhelmed parents can have some peace of mind. My dad would never allow me to be seen by a medical doctor for this diagnosis due to the negative stigma that is attached. This meant I had to learn how to get my school work done while not getting in trouble own my own. Therefore I pretty much hated school, except of course for the social aspect:) I remember being the very last student to finish my homework every single day at daycare when I was younger. This was because I could not focus through a single math problem little lone an entire assignment. This is probably one reason I have never finished a book to this day. The ending is usually a let down to me anyways. I could come up with a better ending, faster with out reading the story. People with true ADD are very creative, their mind is constantly going and coming up with alternative ideas. This is why we are actually quit successful in business and art. We also deal well with change in the work environment. Are mind is constantly changing, so a complete shift in the plan does not devastate us. We constantly learn new ways to do things. How ironic, I spent many years in grade school leaning how to think "inside the box" so I would not get in trouble and then while I was in college, I realized most people who are successful have made a living "thinking outside the box." On that note, what was I doing all those years in school learning how to be just like everyone else? I am just kidding, I do not resent my teachers, on the contrary I am thankful for many of them. However it is a little confusing that in grade school, the teacher wants you to do something the way she does it(step by step) and in the real world, the ultimate test is, can you figure this out by yourself with no one showing you how to do it. I have heard it said, that if ADD is real, then where were all these kids 50-100 years ago? Why are so many people diagnosed only now? Well, those kids have always been there, they were the class clowns and the drop outs. They always could make you laugh but wanted to copy your homework. They were not dumb, they just thought differently and if you march to the beat of your own drum in school, you are labeled "a bad student". If you have child who is ADD, do not feel sorry for them, do not go easy on them, but do listen to them. They are capable of more than you realize. It takes a smart person to get through school with out reading. As far as medicine goes. I tryed ADD medication for the first time in high school, once I was old enough to go to the doctor by myself. The medication was very helpful, and I realized I was capable of completing tasks I did not know I could. BUT, you sell a piece of your soul when you take it because it alters your personality. I noticed I started becoming reliant on taking it, which I was not comfortable with because everyone in my family has "an excessive personality" and I could see that prescription drugs were gaining to much control in my life. The Lord is good and he is in control of your life if you allow him to step in and take over. He had to do a little house cleaning and honestly I feel the Lord has given me clarity with my thoughts. He created my mind and so it made sense that only he could bring ultimate healing to my brain.

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